The Role of Upper Endoscopy in Diagnosing Celiac Disease

If you suspect you might have celiac disease, Dr. Sunny Lo at SoCal Digestive Wellness in Arcadia and Alhambra, CA, can provide a proper diagnosis through an upper endoscopy.

Understanding and Diagnosing Celiac Disease 

 Celiac disease is one of many digestive issues that can cause a great deal of pain, discomfort, and suffering. For those suffering from this disorder, eating gluten causes the body to activate an immune response and attack the villi, which are critical for helping you absorb the nutrients in food. 

This response leads to many symptoms, including stomach pain, headaches, and diarrhea. It also tends to leave you tired and irritable and may cause joint pain or rashes on the skin. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Over time, it can lead to many health complications if it goes untreated, including but not limited to: 

  • Liver failure 
  • Malnutrition
  • Iron deficiency 
  • Heart disease 

 It’s also linked to a higher risk of developing small bowel cancers and more. There is currently no cure for celiac disease, but early diagnosis is a crucial step in developing a plan to reduce its impact. 

The Important Role an Upper Endoscopy Plays 

 When your doctor suspects that celiac disease or another digestive issue is the cause of your symptoms, they often begin with blood tests and other diagnostic tools. These can help rule out some issues to help zone in on a proper diagnosis. If these tests show potential signs of celiac disease, an endoscopy is typically performed. 

An endoscopy is a short procedure in which the doctor places a small, flexible tube through your mouth down to your gastrointestinal tract. This allows a good look inside the stomach and intestines to identify inflammation and various types of damage. They can also take a tissue biopsy. 

The endoscopy is vital because, while blood tests can be helpful, they aren’t necessarily always correct. They are better used as a tool to rule issues out than to rely on for a final diagnosis. 

An upper endoscopy, on the other hand, gives your doctor a full look at what is going on. And the biopsy allows them to look at any damage done to the villi. It allows Dr. Lo at SoCal Digestive Wellness in Arcadia and Alhambra, CA, to confirm a diagnosis and ensure you are receiving the best treatment and caring for your body properly. 

Learn more about the benefits of utilizing an upper endoscopy in your diagnosis by visiting Dr. Lo at SoCal Digestive Wellness of Arcadia and Alhambra, CA. Call (818) 659-5887 to schedule an appointment today. 

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