When Is an Endoscopy Recommended?

When you’re dealing with gastrointestinal issues, it can be hard to diagnose when your doctor isn’t able to see what’s going on inside of you. There are ways that your gastroenterologist can see inside your GI system and understand what might be going on. This can often be done through an endoscopy. Dr. Sunny Lo at SoCal Digestive Wellness in Arcadia, CA, can explain when an endoscopy might be needed and how it can help you.

When Is an Endoscopy Recommended?

When you’re dealing with pain in your stomach or intestinal tract, your gastroenterologist in Arcadia, CA, might recommend an endoscopy to see inside. This helps them get a closer look at what might be happening and why you might be dealing with pain. This can also allow your doctor to take a biopsy or remove a polyp at the same time.

An endoscopy is used when you’re dealing with issues in the throat or stomach. This is needed when you have symptoms of acid reflux, abdominal pain, or heartburn. Your doctor will suggest this so that they can get a full understanding of what might be going on and how you can get the treatment that you need.

An endoscopy might also be used if you are showing symptoms of issues like cancer or if you have internal bleeding. This can help your doctor get to the root of the problem and even start treatment then. Your gastroenterologist will also recommend an endoscopy if you’re dealing with a current digestive condition to help monitor how treatment is going.

Contact Our Gastroenterologist Today

Find out if you need an endoscopy. Contact Dr. Sunny Lo at SoCal Digestive Wellness in Arcadia, CA, to learn more about endoscopy and when it might be necessary. Call for more information today and to schedule your appointment at (818) 659-5887.

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